We have seen the consequence of submitting false credentials on your resume. The CEO of Yahoo has been forced to leave that position because his resume indicated he had a computer science degree, but in fact had an accounting degree from Stonehill College.
Having false information on a resume can follow you through your career and limit your future options. Companies will question your integrity as they will lack confidence in your credibility in the future if you have padded your resume in the past.
Here are some tips for [preparation of a resume:
1.Prepare a resume for each company, not a generic resume.
Your research about a company and a position at that company for which you are applying may benefit from a specific customizing of your resume for that position.
2.Emphasize your achievements rather than your position.
Holding a position in a company is important, but more emphasis should be placed on achievements. Companies want to know what you have accomplished in your career and that you are not just a “place holder.”
3.The greatest emphasis should be placed on your recent accomplishments in your career.
The company you apply to will want to know, “What have you done in your career lately?”
4.Your resume needs to be concise.
Managers reviewing resumes in this job market will spend a minute or less on your resume. You must therefore be concise and to the point, focused on your achievements.
5.It is essential that you use proper grammar and spelling in the preparation of your resume.
Research has shown that too many resumes have errors in grammar and/or spelling. These must be avoided. Having these kinds of errors communicates sloppiness in preparation and will be a barometer to the manager reviewing your resume about your attention to detail.
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
All of Mike’s communication tips are discussed at length on his 4 CD set – Power Communication for Success
Mike Siegel, PhD inspires hundreds of thousands of people across the cournty to harness their power and reach for their dreams.
Mike is an inspirational leader and accomplished media personality whose resume includes hosting Coast-to-Coast and radio programs in New York, Los Aneeles, Boston, Miami, and Seattle. Hire Mike to empower your organization.
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