I have never believed Rick Santorum would or should be the Republican nominee for President. The Republican Party and the removal of Barack Obama are too important to stand on principles that are not the winning message in this election.
Santorum cannot win in November, in part, because his social conservative views will not resonate with independent voters. It is the independent voters who will determine this election. They are interested in jobs, the economy, the national debt, fiscal responsibility and national security.
Mitt Romney is not the first choice of many, and frankly, does not excite the base or the general electorate. But what he does bring to the table is a strong background in fixing companies in deep trouble, understanding fiscal responsibility and accountability, and establishing policies which reflect those values. His track record of success in the private sector is an important strength that he has not effectively conveyed to the American people. He has rather responded to the issues defined by others. That needs to change.
Nevertheless, Romney has the credentials in the economic arena and he is not offensive to independents. President George H.W. Bush endorsed Romney as a longtime friend. They have a similar political persona, since they are not abrasive or perceived as extreme in their message or in their style.
Santorum, on the other hand, has focused on the wrong issues. His religious views should certainly be respected but not be the center piece of a presidential campaign; his attack on the President for sending his daughter to Mexico was totally uncalled for; abortion and gay marriage are not winning issues in this campaign, as the economy is the driving force for most Americans (with the exception of whether the government should pay for contraception and/or abortion).
Rick Santorum lost his last campaign for the United States Senate by 18 points to Bob Casey in Pennsylvania. He is now trailing Mitt Romney in his home state by a substantial amount and should not suffer the embarrassment of losing again in his home state by ending his campaign with grace and dignity.
Finally, Newt Gingrich has acknowledged that Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee, even though he is staying in the race to have an impact on the Convention in August.
Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention has now supported the campaign of Mitt Romney, though he was a supporter of Santorum. Santorum needs to follow that lead and gracefully bow out. It is time for Republicans to get behind the candidate that has clearly shown the financial staying power and the primary election success to be the party nominee. He may not be the most passionate choice, but he is clearly the best choice and hope to reach the Republican Party goal: Replace Barack Obama so this country can get back on the path of greatness that has been its historic and constitutional legacy.
All of Mike’s communication tips are discussed at length on his 4 CD set – Power Communication for Success
Mike Siegel, PhD inspires hundreds of thousands of people across the cournty to harness their power and reach for their dreams.
Mike is an inspirational leader and accomplished media personality whose resume includes hosting Coast-to-Coast and radio programs in New York, Los Aneeles, Boston, Miami, and Seattle. Hire Mike to empower your organization.
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