HAMAS: DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL – If you lived in a neighborhood where your neighbors were intent on you vacating your premises or destroying you, how would you respond? You could leave, build a wall around your home, call the police, or take action on your own.
Israel faces that reality from Hamas. Israel is not leaving. It is a sovereign nation, sanctioned by the United Nations in 1948 and has an absolute right to be there. Israel has built a wall along the border with Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Guess what? There are no homicide bombers coming into Israel from that side. That is why additional fences are being built: they work.
The Israelis have tried the international body that allegedly acts as the police, the United Nations. Since the third world drives that body, Israel has faced futile efforts in attempting to obtain fairness at the U.N.
Finally, Israel has had to take action on its own in self-defense. Over a period of months, Hamas used the Gaza to attack southern Israel with missiles supplied by Iran. The Fajr 5 missiles caused disruption, were intended to kill Israelis, and this was an act of war.
What nation would be passive under this relentless attack from an avowed enemy? The answer is none. Most of the world has supported Israel’s right to defend its nation and citizens.
The real issue is the intent of Hamas. Is there a point at which they will make a lasting peace with Israel? The answer is an emphatic No. How do we know that?
We need go no further than the Hamas Covenant which was issued by Hamas in August 1988. It says in part:
The land of Palestine is an Islamic trust…It is forbidden to anyone to yield or concede any part of it…Israel will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.
This Charter and that statement remain in effect to this day. How can the nation of Israel negotiate with a party who will accept nothing less than its destruction?
We can also turn to our Council on Foreign Relations. Jonathan Masters is an Online Editor/Writer for CFR. He issued an update on Hamas on November 27, 2012. He says in part
Hamas combines Palestinian nationalism with Islamic fundamentalism. Its founding Charter commits the group to the destruction of Israel, the replacement of the PA (Palestinian Authority) with an Islamist state on the West Bank and Gaza, and to raising “the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.
Despite the obvious conclusion that Hamas is the aggressor, initiator of violence, and intent on the destruction of Israel, we have the Christian Science Monitor suggesting that Israel initiate a rapprochement with Hamas. We have other mainstream American media having a non-plussed attitude about Israel, while they give credibility to Hamas.
And, we now can confirm the anti-Israel bigotry of Ron Paul. He now blames Israel for the problems with Hamas, claiming that Israel is at fault for the conditions in Gaza.
Perhaps we should remind Paul of his delusional view. If I were to gather up his neighbors and surround his home with the intent to destroy him and his family, would he sit idly by? I think not. Any sense of fairness would dictate that any nation or citizen has the absolute right to defend itself from its own destruction.
In fact, the United States Supreme Court made that point in the early part of the 20th century when it said that our nation has the right to defend itself from its own destruction from enemies who have that intent and the capacity to cause that result.
Thankfully Ron Paul is now out to pasture in retirement where he will hopefully remain silent after his dismal showings in presidential primaries.
Finally, it is ironic that Israel returned the Gaza to Hamas and displaced its own citizens in doing so. What did Israel get in return? Not a thank you, not even a peaceful co-existence with the Palestinians. What Israel got was the use of the land they returned to Hamas as a staging ground for attacks on Israel.
So much for believing there is hope for resolving differences peacefully with Hamas and its supplier of military weaponry, Iran.