Mike Siegel – Interviewing:
Communication is an art and there is no better example of this than the Interview. There is a variety of techniques that can allow the person being interviewed for a job or in the media to take control of the interview. Moving closer to the interviewer in the physical setting is a way to reduce distance and minimize this barrier to open communication. Sitting in an open position so you do not appear to be closed off from the interview process will make your presentation more effective. Eye contact has a major role to play in giving the interviewee influence over the dynamic nature of this communication transaction. Asking questions of the interviewer can be helpful in moving the interview toward the most effective setting for your success.
Preparation is essential to completing a successful interview. You will need to know in detail the range of subjects you will be discussing during this process. Your credibility is directly connected to your preparation
All of Mike’s communication tips are discussed at length on his 4 CD set – Power Communication for Success
Mike Siegel, PhD inspires hundreds of thousands of people across the cournty to harness their power and reach for their dreams.
Mike is an inspirational leader and accomplished media personality whose resume includes hosting Coast-to-Coast and radio programs in New York, Los Aneeles, Boston, Miami, and Seattle. Hire Mike to empower your organization.
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